Religiusitas Tradisi Hudoq - Dayak Bahau dan Krisis Ekologis

Tinjauan Fenomenologi dalam Pandangan Laudato Si


  • Agustinus Masterinus Laka Meko STFT Widya Sasana Malang



hudoq, religiusitas , krisis ekologi, identitas , Dayak Bahau


This study examines the relationship ecology and religious identity of the Dayak Bahau people in the Hudoq. Between humans and nature there is an inseparable link. When we talk about the Dayak people, at the same time we are talking about nature. It is from nature that the Dayak Bahau people find their identity. When modernism enters and pervades development that is not environmentally friendly, an ecological crisis occurs. A crisis of identity and meaning ensued. The methodology of this research is literature review by reading, describing, analyzing and making implicative reflections. The purpose of this research firstly is to invite everyone, in particular, to return and searching for identity in local culture, in this context in Hudoq. In the other hand, with the perspective of Laudato Si the apostolical letter of Pope Francis, life transformation is needed when dealing with the development of science and technology which is often misused to exploit nature and human culture. All people is invited to build a life of integrity, namely knowing their identity and growing in prosperity.


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