Kontroversi Yuridis dalam Mi 6: 1-8

Analisis Eksegetis dan Teologis dari Rîb Kenabian


  • David Dapi




rîb , rekonsiliasi , pengaduan, Mikha, hukum


This article will discuss the juridical controversy in Mi 6:1-8. This theme is in the theological exegesis method, where the text is examined from linguistic, social context and theological angles. In this article it is found that the leaders displayed arbitrary and unjust behaviour, the priests failed in their sacred duties, and the prophets did not convey the truth. Within this context, the reader encounters two significant theological principles: first, human leaders should submit to God's authority, embodying true kingship, and second, the role of human leaders is to guide people towards a closer communion with God. These are the expectations placed upon them. This critique of the prophets is particularly evident in the opening section of chapter 6, where God expresses His grievances, expectations, and impending judgments against His people, the Israelites. To sum up, micah 6:1-8 contains God's moral and religious requirements directed at Israel. The dispute outlined in Micah 6:1-8, a recurring theme in Old Testament prophetic literature, is known as a "rîb." In this passage, Micah conveys God's conditions for reestablishing justice in their relationship with Him. The conclusion of this passage highlights a few essential religious and civil actions necessary for restoring their connection with God. It serves as a reminder to Israel of the genuine religious tradition embodied in the Torah. Through the prophet Micah, God called upon Israel to seek reconciliation and return to their true faith


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