Memahami Komitmen Pendidik Katolik: Konsep, Model dan Faktor


  • Athanasius Bame



guru, iman, katolik, komitmen, konsep, motivasi, model, pendidikan


Commitment is a general phenomenon that occurs in all social systems like education and religion-catholic Church. Educators’ commitment refers to a psychological attachment to their school, students, profession, teaching and subject areas. It is widely recognized as a key factor that affects the success of educational goals and the development of students for it is an indicator to understand teacher’s motivation to enter the teaching profession, their desire to teach, their quality of teaching and adaptability, their performance and attitude toward school, students’ attitudes and learning and achievement, teachers’ attendance, teachers’ turnover (burnout). In this context, the commitment of the catholic educator to different subject areas (mission, catholic school identity, students, and the values of Augustinian education)  is seen as a call and a ministry through which they practice or witness their faith than just simply a ‘job’ or a ‘profession’. Every catholic educator should be obviously motivated by extrinsic rewards and intrinsic motivation. As an element of intrinsic motivation, faith plays vital role in sustaining catholic educators’ commitment. It is the primary and basic intrinsic motivator that influences their commitment through which they view their teaching ministry in different ways and perspectives.


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Sumber Tidak Dicetak: Disertasi

Cho, Young Kwan. 2011. The Relationship between the Catholic teacher’s faith and commitment in the Catholic High School (Doctoral dissertation, The Catholic University of America, Washington D.C.). Retrieved April 22, 2018, from

Crosswell, Leane. 2006. Understanding teacher commitment in time of change (Doctoral dissertation, Queensland University of Technology, Queensland, Australia). Diakses pada April 05, 2018, dari


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