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Teologi Apofatik Thomas Aquinas


  • Fransiskus Guna



apophatik , Allah yang tak dikenal , pengetahuan , ketidakmungkinan , kesadaran


In the tradition of Christian theology, the term „apophatic? (negative) theology has been treated as one of two fundamental ways of speaking of God. The other is „cataphatic? (affirmative) theology. The first one, the negative way of speaking of the unknown God, that I am working on in this article strongly remarks that the only thing we can say about God is not what God is but what God is not. Biblical and patristic notions of the apophatic way serve as the basic foundations of doing such a theological approach. On that foundations Thomas Aquinas, one of the outstanding theologian of the high Middle Ages, built up his own apophatic theology. However, to understand Aquinas as an apophatic theologian might cause some confusion since the core of Aquinas?s apophatic theology is not a lack of knowledge or the impossibility of knowledge, but the constant awareness of deus semper maior. His apophatic theology does not mean that one cannot truthfully speak of God, but that that speaking always is


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